Recreational Core Courses

We provide RAID Scuba Courses from Recreational to Leadership and all the Specialties along the way. We also provide SIdemount, Technical and Limited CCR Training.  Click on the RAID Logo below to create a profile at RAID, don't forget to select D3 Total Diver Evolution as your Dive Centre.

Free e-Learning

All of our course academics are open for you to peruse for free, Not sure which course you want to do, check them all out and then decide. Click the RAID Logo above and see where adventure takes you!

Core Scuba Courses

Scuba Refresher/Reboot

Been dry for a while and want to get back to diving? Do a formal refresher, it comes with an e-Card

R1350.00 PP


Not sure if you are going to like scuba, maybe a little nervous?  Give scuba a try in a controlled environment.

R2550.00 PP


Off on an island holiday, short on time and you only want to do shallow dives on your holiday? 

R4650.00 PP

OPEN Water Diver

The full monty, this is beginners course and the start of all your underwater adventures, local or international.

R7350.00 PP

EXPLORER 30/Advanced

Great experience program, light on theory, but this allows you to do more and go a deeper.

R7350.00 PP

ADVanced 35 DIVER

Become a dive Guru, improve your knowledge and master your diving skills with this one. 

R7950.00 PP


This is a must have for those that want to become dive leaders, Look after yourself & others.

R6250.00 PP


If you love diving and want to share your passion, then become a Dive Pro! Be the envy of your dive buddies.

R16500.00 PP


The ultimate underwater rating! Teach & Travel as a RAID Instructor, be a role model and be an educator.

R32995.00 PP


Add to your repertoire of con-ed courses you can teach, improve your knowledge & skills

R4350.00 PP

DIVE Master Crossover

Cross to an agency that cares! We offer a full crossover for current DM's from most other agencies.

R4250.00 PP


Cross to an agency that cares! We offer a full crossover for current Instructors from most other agencies.

R7250.00 PP

Need More Info On Dive Course? Drop Us An Email!